Where It All Began

Travelling with children to South Africa

We just wanted to remind you about the requirements for bringing Fergus into South Africa: Home Affairs will require you to present a full, original, unabridged birth certificate for Fergus at emigration in the UK and also immigration into South Africa.

Important things to note

  1. it cannot be a copy (even a legally endorsed copy)
  2. it must show both of you as the birth parents (if either one of you is not the birth parent, please let us know immediately)
  3. it must be the unabridged birth certificate including all the details of both birth parents and the child (some certificates only show the child’s or child’s and mother’s details).

We have had travellers turned away at the airport for not complying with this regulation or parts of it.

If you’d like to read more about the requirements, please visit this page.