Really a very impressive photo today from American clients of ours travelling in the north of South Africa.
This particular shot was taken not at sunset but at sunrise (hence the rather alluring pinkish hue to the sky): we think they’ve done very well to capture the sillhouette without losing the foreground detail. The photo was taken at Umlani Bush Camp in Timbavati Reserve, Greater Kruger.
They’re on a self-drive trip starting in Joburg, travelling through the northern half of Kruger and then up to Mapungubwe (often called the Limpopo River Park), which is right on the border with SA and Zim. Roads are good so no 4×4 necessary.
That particular park is fascinating in that it was the site of a ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ style discovery in the 1930s of a lost civilisation about which very little is known, other than their amazing gold art work. More on that tomorrow!