A simply wonderful idea, very original: not even an hour from Cape Town, up the West Coast, is the beautiful semi-desert area where every spring, fields and fields of wild desert flowers burst forth from the earth for a few short weeks.
It’s one of the most photographed natural events in the Cape, with the flowers seemingly creating carpets of colour in the middle of the desert.
However until now, this has literally been a ‘day trip’ event, simply to look at the flowers and drive back to the city.
Enter Andrew Bance whose family owns Kersefontein farm on Berg River: he’s taken it upon himself to create a Wild Flower Camp on the shores of the river, allowing to fully embrace the splendour of the flowers, river and wildlife in the area.
You get private, luxury tents set a good distance apart from each other for a 2-day/3-night itinerary. Currently the first set of dates are 24 August – 2 Sept.
Find out more at www.flowercamps.co.za