Where It All Began

How to visit South Africa’s marine Big 5 ethically

How ethical is shark cage diving? It’s a difficult question to answer but normally, the answer starts with the words ‘It depends on how it’s done….’ 

Offering a truly sustainable alternative to the adrenalin-fuelled baiting practices of most shark cage diving companies, Marine Dynamics in Gansbaai, South Africa allows you to see a wide variety of large marine creatures in a sympathetic way, with each trip lead by a marine biologist. 

The Cape Fur Seal colony on Dyer Island is enormous

Whales are a regular sight on the Dyer Island tour

Each trip is accompanied by a marine biologist

Multi-award winning and Fair Trade accredited, we’d particularly recommend their visit to the Dyer Island Reserve: the channel between Dyer Island and Geyser Island attracts whales, blue and mako sharks, Great Whites, as well as dolphins, rays and a host of bird life.

Penguin nests built on Dyer Island

​You’ll be particularly impressed by the work of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust who are directly funded by the cost of your trip. https://www.dict.org.za/